Dear customers.
Thank you most sincerely for your trust and many unforgettable opportunities which we were honoured to be given with each and every one 3D printing project. However, the time came, when we decided to stop offering the 3D printing as an individual commercial service.
We owe you an explanation…
Three years ago, we invested in 3D printing technology with a particular idea – to use it as one of the complex solutions for our animation work. However, we noticed there is greater demand than the supply of professional 3D printing in and around Slovakia and as we were experienced in this field, we decided to help the situation by offering the 3D printing service ourselves. The overall interest in 3D printing grew day by day and we enjoyed it very much, mostly because each project varied from the other in 100%. Many beatiful things grew under our roof and hands thanks to the wonderful invention called the 3D printer.
However, we started to realise we are moving away from our original idea…
This lead us to a decision to fully concentrate our minds on 3D animation. 3D printing will be used only as a tool for materializing the ideas of our creative work.
We achieved a certain level of experience in this technology and we’ll be glad to help you develop your own 3D printing ideas. Feel free to contact us anytime, we will gladly inform you about the possibilities.
In the name of SKYFORM team
Barbora Šablová